Plan a Visit For service or pleasure. General Inquiries Visit Us 285 Main Street | PO Box 513Jonesport, ME 04649 Contact Us (207) 497-2701[email protected] Navigate to Us 44° 32′ 3.6924” N67° 35′ 27.834” W Jonesport Shipyard Shipyard Services Jonesport Shipyard’s talented technicians are ready to support our customers with anything from annual maintenance to emergency repairs. Haul and LaunchStorageLabor Commercial Vessels <32’ 33’ to 39’ 39’ to 44’ $250 $275 $300 Novis $250 $350 $400 Boat move is $150Emergency haul is $18/ft plus labor Recreational Boats <38’ 38’ to 45’ >45′ or 15 tons $350 $425 Quoted Express (on trailer, launch on same tide) is 1.5x haul-out rateBoat move is $150Emergency haul is $18/ft plus labor Ramp Use (DIY) <23’ 23’ to 26’ 26′ 30′ >30′ $9 $14 $25 Quoted Assistance: $70/hr (min. $35) Outside Commercial: $3.50/ft/moRecreational: $4.50/ft/moMast-in: $6.50/ft/moBoat on trailer: $4.50/ft/monthMast only: $3/ft/year Indoor Heated Daily: $90Weekly: $500Monthly: $2,000 Short Term (on owner’s trailer) <25′: $6 sq.ft./day>25′: $7 sq.ft./dayTrailer Only (1 or 2 axles): $5/day | $30/wk | $50/moAuto: $10/day DIY Space Outdoor: $15/dayIndoor: $80/day | $525/wk | $2000/mo Dinghy Outdoor (incl. haul, launch, wash) $300/summer | $300/winter Dinghy Dock (incl. parking for one car) <10’: $16/wk or $60/mo10’ to 14’: $1.75/ft/wk or $7/ft/mo Boat Stand Rental (in yard) $6 ea/mo Gear Storage Monthly Seasonally Battery, Small $35 Battery, Large $12 $45 Outboards $150 plus labor Mast $3/ft/mo General: $70/hr Specialty Labor Carpentry $75/hr Electrical/Electronics $85/hr Fiberglass $85/hr Mechanical $80/hr Paint/Varnish $70/hr Rigging $75/hr Welding $80/hr Fuel polishing: Quoted Equipment / Services Mast Step or Unstep: >35’: $550 35’-45’: $700 Pressure wash: $40* above rail | $4/ft. below rail Crane or Tele-handler: $145/use*Hydraulic trailer: $175/use*Yard work boat: $75/use*Yard work truck: $45/use* * Plus labor Shrinkwrap 20′: 16/ft 20’ to 24’ : $19/ft 24’to 40’ : $25/ft. <40′: $30/ft. Vents: $12/ea. installed Zipper doors : $40/ea installed Mast, Shroud, Stanchion Cuts: $7/ea Environmental & Disposal Fees Diesel waste: $12/gal. Gas waste: $15/gal. Oil waste: $8/gal. Shrink wrap: $50 Trash disposal: $5/bag All rates are subject to change at anytime without notice. Request Service Owner/Captain Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone(Required)Vessel Name(Required)Vessel Make/Model(Required)LOA (feet)(Required)Depth (feet)(Required)Beam (feet)(Required)I'm requesting information about:Check all that apply. Haul/block/relaunch Outdoor storage Indoor storage Annual maintenance Repair or refit Additional details about the work requested:Consent(Required)This agreement is between Jonesport Shipyard (JS) and the vessel owner (the Owner) whose name is shown above. By this agreement, JS agrees to provide service and/or storage to the previously named vessel for a limited period of time. The work to be performed shall be as described on written Work Orders, together with any applicable plans and specifications attached thereto. Unless otherwise stated within a Work Order, JS shall build, secure, finish and/or install all materials, goods, equipment and/or labor described within. JS may obtain components or equipment to be a part of the Vessel from subcontractors or third-party manufacturers. All material shall be of good quality and purchased new in accordance with the Work Orders, unless Owner shall expressly agree otherwise. If any materials designated in the Work Orders are in short supply or cannot be procured in a timely manner, JS may, if Owner agrees in writing, substitute materials meeting the requirements. Owner agrees to pay JS for labor to repair and improve the Vessel per the posted rates unless — during the term of this Agreement — JS and Owner agree in writing to one or more change orders that provide for additional labor cost. Administrative expenses such as accounting related to the Vessel will not be charged to Owner. However, time spent in meetings with Owner or any work in providing design services will be included in the hourly labor charges. If Owner requires JS staff to travel off site, Owner shall reimburse JS for all travel expenses including vehicle mileage or car rental, lodging, meals and air fare, as applicable. Owner agrees to pay JS for materials required for repairs and improvements to the Vessel, including components or equipment acquired by JS from any subcontractors or third-party manufacturers, in an amount equal to JS’s cost to acquire such materials, components, or equipment, plus 15% for any individual items costing as much as $15,000, and plus 10% for any individual items costing more than $15,000. Owner shall be responsible for payment of any taxes or duties (including without limitation any sales, excise or use tax) and all tariffs, import or export duties payable or owed to any State, County, Country or governmental entity arising out of purchase of materials and equipment and construction of the Vessel. Owner shall hold JS harmless for any and all claims made upon JS in connection therewith, including costs of defense, and shall promptly reimburse JS for any costs or levies thereof. If JS retains any subcontractor to perform a portion of the work covered by this Agreement, Owner shall pay JS the amount charged to JS by such subcontractor, plus 15% for any subcontract costing up to $15,000, and plus 10% for any subcontract costing more than $15,000. JS shall issue invoices to Owner for labor provided, materials purchased, sales taxes incurred and expenses incurred as described herein every month, and payment shall be due within fifteen (15) days thereafter. JS agrees to maintain accurate records of time spent and materials acquired constructing the Vessel and further agrees to make said records available to Owner upon request. If Owner fails to make complete payment of an invoice when due and such failure continues for a period of 14 days, JS may suspend work until payment in full is made. If Owner fails to make complete payment of an invoice and such failure continues for a period of 28 days, JS may declare this Agreement terminated and void by written notice to Owner and JS shall have no further obligations hereunder to complete the repairs and improvements to of the Vessel. Owner shall pay JS interest at a rate of 12% per annum on any sums of money not paid when due, with interest being computed from the due date of such payment until the date which payment is actually received by JS. The Owner warrants that adequate hull insurance (inclusive of its equipment and related components) to protect the Owner’s interest and those of any and all parties with a financial interest in the vessel is in force at the time of signing, and the primary risk of loss shall be with The Owner. The Owner is responsible for carrying liability insurance with limits of at least $100,000 per person and $300,000 per occurrence. The Owner, on behalf of the Owner and the Owner’s insurer, indemnifies and holds JS, its officers, directors, employees, and agents harmless from all claims, damages, and losses, including attorney fees and loss of use, unless caused by the sole negligence of JS, its employees, or agents. The Owner is responsible for removing personal belongings from the Vessel not usual to the operation of Vessel. The Owner agrees to allow JS at its sole discretion to take whatever actions it deems appropriate to attempt to safeguard the vessel in the case of threatened or occurring natural events that may place the vessel in peril, and to indemnify and hold harmless JS, its officers, directors, employees, and agents for any damage or loss that results therefrom. The Owner agrees to pay for extraordinary expenses incurred by JS while fulfilling this portion of the agreement. Any service and repair work to be performed on the vessel will be performed by JS, or any subcontractors retained at the sole discretion of JS. Owner and owner’s agents or subcontractors shall not perform any work on the vessel except with the prior written permission of JS (which permission may be denied at the discretion of JS) and only with proof of proper certificates of insurance required by JS. Payment shall be due within 15 days after receipt of invoice(s). No vessel shall be removed or launched until payment in full has been received. JS has a lien pursuant to Title 10 MRSA Section 3851-3852, and pursuant to any other applicable law, on the Vessel for storage, labor and materials furnished by JS to the vessel but not yet paid for by Owner. If Owner fails to pay for the services described herein so as to arrange for launch of the vessel within the storage period described herein, Owner shall owe and must pay JS additional fees for such additional time that the vessel remains in storage at JS’s normal storage rates. I agree to the terms and conditions.2+1=(Required)Prove you're human!PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Reserve a Mooring Plan your visit by boat to Downeast Maine. We can offer you a mooring, space on our dinghy dock, and plenty of local knowledge. Owner/Captain Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone(Required)Vessel Name(Required)Vessel Make/Model(Required)LOA (feet)(Required)Depth (feet)(Required)Beam (feet)(Required)Arrival Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Departure Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Consent(Required)This agreement is between Jonesport Shipyard (the Yard/JS) and the vessel owner (the Owner) whose name is shown above. By this agreement, JS agrees to permit the Owner to moor the above-named vessel at the Yard for the period indicated. The Owner warrants that adequate hull insurance (inclusive of its equipment and related components) to protect the Owner’s interest and those of any and all parties with a financial interest in the vessel is in force at the time of signing, and the primary risk of loss shall be with The Owner. The Owner is responsible for carrying liability (P&I, including crew coverage as warranted) insurance on the vessel. The Yard requires the Owner’s name and telephone number to be marked on each dinghy kept at the Yard. The Owner, on behalf of the Owner and the Owner’s insurer, indemnifies and holds the Yard, its officers, directors, employees, and agents harmless from all claims, damages, and losses, including attorney fees and loss of use, unless caused by the sole negligence of the Yard, its employees, or agents. The Owner agrees to leave a key to any cars parked for an extended period of time at the Yard with an employee of the Yard office. Failure to do so may result in tow fees for the Owner if the vehicle must be moved. The Owner agrees to allow the Yard at its sole discretion to take whatever actions it deems appropriate to attempt to safeguard the vessel in the case of threatened or occurring natural events that may place the vessel in peril, and to indemnify and hold harmless the Yard, its officers, directors, employees, and agents for any damage or loss that results therefrom. The Owner agrees to pay for extraordinary expenses incurred by the Yard while fulfilling this portion of the agreement. The Owner is responsible for his/her vessel. The Owner agrees not to hold the Yard liable for any damages caused by weather, other vessels, Harbor visitors, or owner neglect. The Owner is liable for any damage to the Harbor or Yard property or other vessels caused by the Owner’s vessel. The Owner must maintain his/her vessel in operating, seaworthy condition. Derelict, leaking, or sinking vessels must be removed from the Harbor. If the Owner does not remove an inoperable vessel, the vessel will be removed at the Owner’s expense and the Owner’s right to moorage will be discontinued. If the Owner sells his/her vessel, dockage does not convey to the new Owner. JS may grant a short period of time for a new Owner to move the vessel out of the Harbor. If the vessel is not moved promptly, JS reserves the right to haul the vessel at the Owner’s expense and/or bill the Owner at the nightly rate until the slip is relinquished. Payment for monthly moorage is due on the first day of the month. Owner may not “loan out” his/her slip to other vessels without written permission from JS. JS may end this agreement at any time and without cause by providing a 30-day notice to Owner. I agree to the terms and conditions.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Mooring RatesIn season: May 1 – Sept. 30 $30/night | $185/week | $500/month | $1,500/season Off season: Oct 1 – April 30 $30/night Marina Services Lightering with work boat: $75/hr Dinghy Dock (incl. parking space for one car) <10’: $16/wk | $60/mo10’ to 14’: $1.75/ft/wk | $7/ft/mo Showers and coin-op laundry are available. our regionExplore Jonesport and Downeast Maine. Learn More Welcome to Jonesport Do you have additional questions? Email us at [email protected] or send us a note.